Combining homeopathy principles and the effectiveness of herbal medicines

Homeobotanical therapy is a specialised modality using herbal combinations prepared using the principles of Homeopathy. This dynamic protocol combines aspects of both traditional systems. The Homeobotanical formulas are drawn from both herbal and homeopathic literature. This allows for broader indications and the applications. The doses are extremely small, making them well tolerated and safe.

Homeobotanical Formulas are a “Practitioner Only” range and are a ‘mix and match’ system of natural medicines that can be combined in any proportion to match the precise needs of every person.

I use specific formulas for each individual made to YOUR exact specific needs.

Homeobotanical formulas can be used to help support:

  • Hormonal balance - PMS

  • Perimenopause and menopause

  • Post oral contraceptive pill use, fertility issues, heavy periods, absent periods and postpartum.

  • Can be used alongside natural fertility charting for those who are wishing to use this method to achieve conception (safe to use with IVF, IUI).

  • Postpartum to help restore hormonal balance.

A simple mix-n-match system where you only have to take one formula instead of a combination of several herbs/homeopathic preparations.

Homeobotanical Formulas for Female Reproductive Health

Homeobotanical formulas address the underlying cause of menstrual and menopausal imbalances. Each formula is uniquely designed to restore reproductive/hormonal balance.

hbF Female Formula 1 - Indicated for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopausal hot flushes, delayed/suppressed, errratic or irregular menstrual cycles. Emotional sensitivity around menses and prolonged hormonal treatment (e.g. the oral contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy). Threatened or repeated miscarriage.

Contains: Black cohosh, Blue cohosh, Chaste tree, Cramp bark, Dong quai, Motherwort, Pasque flower, Sheperd’s purse, Squaw vine, Wild yam.

** Safe to take when breastfeeding.

hbF Female Formula II - Indicated for premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopausal hot flushes, delayed/suppressed, errratic or irregular menstrual cycles. Emotional sensitivity around menses and prolonged hormonal treatment (e.g. the oral contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy). Threatened or repeated miscarriage. Contains the same botanicals as hbF Female Formula 1 with the addition of Paeonia (dysmenorrhea, fibroids, PCOS).

Contains: Black cohosh, Blue cohosh, Chaste tree, Cramp bark, Dong quai, Motherwort, Pasque flower, Sheperd’s purse, Squaw vine, Wild yam, Paeonia.

** Safe to take while breastfeeding.

hbF Emotional Stress Formula - Specifically formulated for anxiety, depression and emotional exhaustion in relation to hormonal imbalance (PMS, perimenopause, menopuse, postpartum, ceasing oral contraceptives). Particularly addressed the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. A core nervine formula and can be added to hbF Female Formula 1 or II.

Contains: Chamomile, Gentian, Hops, Lavender, Lime flowers, Oats, Passion flower, Rosemary, Skullcap, Valerian.

** Safe to take during breastfeeding.

hbF Migraine Formula - Headaches and migraines associated with hormonal imbalance, PMS, postpartum, peri-menopause, menopause, ceasing birth control. This formula addresses the underlying physiological parameters of severe headaches and migraines. This formula can be taken alongside pharmaceutical medications for migraine relief (note: inform your practitioner which medication you are taking).

Contains: Betony, Blood root, Blue flag, Corydalis, Feverfew, Fringe tree, Gingko, Jamaica dogwood, Rosemary.

** Safe to take when breastfeeding.

hbS Skin Formula - Formulated for skin affected by hormonal imbalance such as oily skin and acne. This formula has an affinity for the skin promoting healing and epidermal homeostasis. Great for helping to avoid premenstrual acne breakouts and return to fertility postpartum.

Contains: Blue flag, Burdock, Figwort, Heartsease, Oregon grape, Red clover, Sarsparilla, Yellow dock.

** Safe to take when breastfeeding.

hbL Liver Formula - Supports and stimulates hepatic detoxification. A ‘drainage’ remedy which helps support hormonal balance; particularly ceasing birth control or a return to fertility postpartum. A formula which can be added in with hbFemale 1 or hbFemale II for optimal support.

Contains: Barberry, Bupleurum, Dandelion, Fringe tree, Globe artichoke, Greater celandine, Schisandra, St Mary’s thistle.

** Safe to take while breastfeeding.

hbY Yeast Infection Formula - Indicated for wherever there are indications of a yeast or fungal dysbiosis (vaginal thrush, yeast overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract). Recurrent vaginal thrush infections which do not respond to over the counter treatments. A formula which I use for every person who is trying to conceive or has/is having difficulty with conception. I use this in conjunction with hb#5 Nutria for optimal pre-conception care.

Contains: Cascara, Ginger, Golden seal, Licorice, Mashmallow.

**Safe to take when breastfeeding.

hb#5 - Nutria - Formulated as a supportive formula for people with nutritional deficiencies and assists in the assimilation of dietary nutrients from food or supplements. Particularly useful for preconception, postpartum and times where support is needed such as experiencing periods of ongoing stress.

Contains: Alfalfa, Bladderwrack, Cayenne, Gentian, Ginger, Nettle root, Siberian ginseng.

** Safe to take when breastfeeding.

Homeobotanicals for Lactation/Mastitis

Homeobotanical Formula Lacta #15 works as a mammary regulatory agent to balance hypno and hyper excretion of breast milk, particularly the perinatal phase. The galactogenic herbs in this formula initiate lactation, sustain and regulate milk production as well as enhance the nutritional quality of breast milk. Also suitable for women who commenced with normal milk flow post partum, then weeks (or months) later, milk flow diminished or ceased. Can be added with hb Formula B for mastitis. Contains: Chaste tree, Fennel, Fenugreek, Goat’s rue, Nettle, Vervain.

What Does a Consultation Involve?

  • A 40 minute consultation in person or over ZOOM

  • An in depth discussion on how I can best support you

  • An individual formula created specific to your needs

  • One follow up (approx 20mins) to ensure the formula is restoring balance to your specific ailment/concern.

How to Book?

Click here

Disclaimer: The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various holistic health & Birth support topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.