Homeopathic remedies can be effective in both major and minor ailments during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
— Judy Norsigian and Jane Pincus, co-authors of The New Our Bodies, Our Selves

Homeopathy - Fertility to Perinatal, Pregnancy & Postnatal

Heard of Arnica, Calendula and Hypericum? They are three well known and very widely used homeopathic remedies - used both topically and/or taken orally. You may know Arnica well - it is famous for helping to heal bruises and soft tissue trauma - many people swear by it after general and dental surgery! You may even have it in your first aid kit. What about utilising the other thousands of available homeopathic remedies?

Safe to be taken by anyone - including during pregnancy, labour, birth, the post-natal period and for babies and children - I encourage you to explore Homeopathy further.


Homeopathic remedies can be safely used alongside other prescribed medications and treatments.


I offer Homeopathy during pregnancy, labour, birth and the post-natal period. I am able to attend your birth as a Private Birth Doula, or alongside your LMC specifically for Homeopathic support.

I am experienced and knowledgeable particularly in this field and am able to support you at a home birth, birthing unit or at hospital.

Please enquire for my Birth Doula package: See More Here


I offer Homeopathic Fertility Consultations if you wish to gain a deeper understanding around your fertility, and a complete Homeopathic Fertility Programme (includes supplements and lifestyle support). I am able to help support you with hormonal and/or menstrual disorders and general women’s wellbeing.

Client Intake Form - Click Here to Complete

Why aren’t I getting pregnant?

Are you currently going through, or have been through IUI, IVF with no success? Have you tried Clomifene and nothing? Or is it that your blood tests and scans are not revealing much? Are they confirming PCOS? Have you been told you are healthy and you just have to keep trying? Why aren’t you getting pregnant?

Your body won’t allow the process of menstruation, ovulation and pregnancy unless all is working physiologically as it should. More than ever we are leading busy, stressful lives, not eating as well as we could, lacking sleep, low in iron/zinc/vitamin D, taking the contraceptive pill for long periods of time, exposed to many toxins in our environment, our food and the list goes on……

PCOS is becoming more prominent, with Metformin being prescribed to help lower insulin & blood sugar levels. It manages the symptoms but doesn’t fix the PCOS. The oral contraceptive pill may also be prescribed to help with the side effects of PCOS such as facial hair growth and acne.

However, these methods can only provide relief for those with PCOS - stop the treatment and the symptoms return. You are still no closer to achieving a pregnancy.

What could be going on?

  • Irregular, poor or no ovulation

  • Stress hormones - these can block your reproductive hormones which are required to ovulate and menstruate e.g. FSH, LH. If your body doesn’t feel it has the right conditions to allow ovulation, it won’t or it will be delayed

  • Food intolerances, reactive immune system, toxicity (alcohol, smoking), lifestyle factors

  • Digestive issues & function (have a huge role to play for hormonal function)

  • Undiagnosed PCOS

  • Long term effects from contraceptive pill (can take some women very little time to ovulate again and others up to 18 months or longer)

So…….What Does A Consultation with me Involve?

Your first homeopathic consultation is very in-depth. The usual length of an initial consultation is approximately an hour and a half to two hours duration. You will be asked the reason for your visit (even if you have completed an intake form prior, we still like to confirm), how long you have had your ailment/issues, your health and medical history, family health history, whether you have any allergies or food intolerances, quality of your sleep, questions regarding your menstrual cycle and any issues regarding your fertility - to name a few! I will ask you to bring copies of blood tests and/or scans if you have had tests done.

As a Homeopath, I am interested in the ‘whole’ person in front of me, regarding physical, mental and emotional health equally important. It’s really important for me to know what is going on for you emotionally as well as physiologically. I work by seeking to find the ‘disturbance’ helping to support overall health equilibrium. Physically you may be very well, emotionally you may be struggling - let’s find out what is really going on.

I am able to work alongside your GP/Specialist/Fertility assistance. Please do be aware we do not ‘treat’ or ‘diagnose’ therefore, are not able to run blood or other medical tests. Interpreting the results we can do.

Why would you choose my Fertility Programme?

Ask yourself the following:

  • Would you like to understand more about the menstrual cycle, fertility, signs of fertility, why the length of your luteal phase matters if trying to conceive, what your basal body temperature has to do with ovulation?

  • Would you like to improve your chances of conception before you seek medical assistance?

  • If you are already seeking medical assistance, would you like to boost your chances of conception with this programme?

  • Would you like to have ongoing support with a registered Homeopath who specialises in reproduction and has expertise in reproductive health and natural fertility?

  • Have you tried everything else and now ready to pursue a holistic perspective?

What exactly does this programme cover and what can it offer me?

  • Comprehensive first consultation covering health, medical, family history - both yourself (and partner, if applicable) - plus 4 follow up consultations throughout the programme.

  • Full 3 sessions learning the Sympto-thermal method (STM) - this is a method that uses daily recording of your basal body temperature, the observation and awareness of cervical mucus and changes in the cervix (cervical palpation) to reveal what is happening physiologically. This method can show us if you are ovulating and when (from chart to chart), the length of your cycle, the length of your luteal phase (day of ovulation to the day before your next period begins) and if you are producing fertile mucus.

  • Once I have this information - I create a fertility plan UNIQUE to the information provided from your daily charting. This plan includes several homeopathic remedies to be included on a daily and weekly basis, the use tissue salts (minerals), supplements and the continuation of your daily charting. Why?

  • Without any of this physiological information - as both a registered homeopath and accredited fertility educator, I could be making a wild guess and trying every homeopathic remedy and supplement under the sun with fingers crossed. BUT - with daily information via charting to work from, I make decisions about your fertility programme that is designed to work with whatever is going on FOR YOU.


I will only work with individuals or couples for a total of 4 months. Why?

This is a good time frame required to get an in-depth view of your individual fertility which has been compiled through charting. This time allows homeopathic preparations to help gently restore the health of your reproductive system/hormones.

Fertility and Infertility is a very emotionally sensitive area - I understand this. Therefore, after 4 months if there are no changes (which we have to view, interpret and discuss) then you have the choice of being referred on to another healthcare provider or alternative/complementary therapist. As an accredited educator I am able to write letters of referral to your nominated GP or Specialist.


Whether you choose to seek the support from a Naturopath or Herbalist is entirely up to you. However, if you are on two different programmes, how do you know which one is working for you?

I have a brilliant Naturopath that I call on for advice when it comes to making decisions on supplements or any other addition to your programme. This is always approved by her first for efficacy and safety.


No - just as you can’t guarantee anything in life!

Hence my policy of ‘4 month protocol’ - I am not in this profession to give false hope, I am here to guide you using holistic methods coupled with fertility support, the best way I know how. It works quickly for some women, the entire 4 months for some and for those who have chosen to continue the protocol without my support, have called me up to a year later after completing programme with news of their pregnancy.

What I can guarantee is that you will gain an in-depth knowledge of your reproductive & fertility health (skills for life) including when you ovulate and when the best time to conceive is. If this is not happening for you, you will be able to take the information revealed through charting and treatment with homeopathics and seek further support, whatever that looks like for you if this is what you choose to do.

Click here to read more about -Thermal Method Facts (natural fertility)




Fertility Support Coaching

Infertility is something that's close to Kathryn’s heart. Having spent many years trying to get pregnant, she understands what an emotional roller coaster it is.

When she started her fertility journey, she never imagined she wouldn’t get the baby she’d always dreamed about. Despite trying all of the things and never giving up hope, things just didn’t go to plan. Her worst fear came true.

Kathryn Grace Fertility Potentials .jpg

It was the most challenge experience of her life and she felt disheartened, broken, frustrated, alone and wondered how she would ever be ok.

Although things didn’t work out as she planned, she came out the other side stronger, more compassionate, more authentic, and with purpose.

Kathryn’s fertility journey was her inspiration to become a Fertility Support Coach. Her passion is to support women to navigate the complex emotions that come with the infertility experience as well as work with those who are nearing the end of their journey (or have ended) to help them find acceptance and to move forward with grace and confidence.

Kathryn works within a holistic framework and believes our own inner guidance is the wisest. She provides the guidance and tools to allow you to explore what you need.

To find out more about coaching, visit https://www.fertilitypotentials.com or contact Kathryn at fertilitypotentials@gmail.com

Click here for FAQ’s, including disclaimer and further information

Like me to attend your labour/birth to assist with Homeopathic remedies? Great!! Submit your interest here or to request further information - no obligation.

Registered Practicing Homeopath - NZCH

Registered Practicing Homeopath - NZCH

  • I am Registered with the NZ Council of Homeopaths (Dip Hom) RC. Hom (Level 7)

Are you a Midwife, Doula or Birthworker?

Come along to my workshop to learn when and how to use homeopathic remedies and Bach Flower essences for pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum. Students welcome!

Disclaimer: The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various holistic health & Birth support topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.